Blogging is hard work!

Hi guys, It has been a bit since my last blog. Partly because I was finding it difficult to sit down and put thoughts to screen and partly I was having too much fun! 

Oh man, I just realized that I haven't blogged since California!! We had such a great time there with family and friends. At the last part of our time there we celebrated my mom's 80th birthday. My sisters and I threw a surprise party of all surprises.  My mom had no idea that we invited her family and friends to come out and show her some birthday love.  Good times.

From California, we made our way to Las Vegas, Nevada. We stayed there for a full week! It was nice to not have to pick up and go quickly. We swam, and laid out in the sun. We read books, took walks, ate (a lot), and just enjoyed each others company.  Our niece, Katrina, graduated with a BS in Nursing and we had the privilege of attending her ceremony.  We had the opportunity to meet new people, hang out with my sister and her grandkids, and even meet up with an old friend.  Vegas was fun but it was time to leave on our next adventure!!  Whew!! Now we are all caught up.

We drove 7 hours yesterday to Yosemite!!  We have a good spot at an Elk's Lodge. I know what you are thinking.... but they have a great RV park and the price is right.  We are learning so much on how to stay in places for less. The Elk's offers a discount if you are part of their organization, which we are not, but we are members of Passport America so we get a pretty good discount on an already cheap stay. 

Today Sean and I hiked 3.5 miles with 1300 feet of climb on a trail in Glacier Point culminating at 7,500 feet elevation overlooking all of Yosemite's key vistas. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Breathtaking. It was amazing and so much fun. I learned that it just takes one step in front of the other to achieve a goal. What goal do you have that has been looming over your head? You can do it! One step at a time.  One beautiful foot in front of the other.  Don't look in anyone else's lane and keep your eyes on your own path. You got this!

Mom's 80th surprise!!

Mom's 80th surprise!!

Katrina's graduation!!

Katrina's graduation!!

Yosemite's Half Dome

Yosemite's Half Dome


We have seen a few things!

We are on day three and we haven't killed each other! GOALS! Honestly, we are having the time of our lives. It has been a lot of driving to get here but we couldn't be happier to spend 4 days on San Onofre beach in California. Now, we know that the weather isn't going to be the best but we will adjust.

I want to back up a bit and talk about the last few days. On day one, we drove to Van Horn, Texas. In case you are wondering....there isn't much there. We literally pulled into a RV park, parked, slept, woke up, and left. And didn't look back mostly because there wasn't much to look back on. So, on the second day we drove straight to Yuma, AZ. And if you have ever driven through this desert metropolis, you would say that there is no reason to stop. But I would have to argue with you! There is one reason to stop here. THE PEOPLE!! We lived here for 6 years while Sean was in the Marines and we have friends here that are like family. It is a hot and dusty land but the relationships with these amazing souls will forever quench our spirits. And it didn't disappoint. We left on Monday morning and headed straight to the beautiful ocean that always calls to me. 

Along our way in life there are always going to be places that we want to visit, historical sites we want to experience, views that we want to fill our memories with, but it's the relationships that move us. It's the people that God puts in our lives that we carry with us. I want to encourage you today to go out and make a friend. Establish or reestablish relationships. Don't be afraid. These are the humans that will change you from the inside like I have been changed. It can be scary and sometimes messy, but in the end you will have someone in your court. A person who will help you carry a burden, someone to laugh with, to cry with, and to grow with. Sean and I have been blessed beyond measure by people that we are so privileged to call friends, well family! 



Today is the big day!

The day has come to roll off into the sunset with our 5th wheel, our dog Laya and our spunky cat, Suki (sounds like a country song ). We are so excited to share our adventure with you. There has been so much leading up to this day that makes me a little emotional (or that could be the menopause). Either way, tears are going to be a part of this for sure. We are leaving the most amazing people here in New Braunfels, TX. Our family and friends have been so supportive through out this process. So to you guys, a big THANK YOU. 

